Poule Poeufs

Anatole | Aug 28, 2024 min read

Poule Poeufs is a restyled version of the classic game Snake, where the player controls a chicken instead of a snake. The goal is to collect as many eggs as possible without hitting the walls or the chicks following the player. The game was developed in Unreal Engine 5 using Blueprints, in a team of 5 people, three artists from the NAD-UQAC and two programmers from UQAC.
This was the first project made in the context of the course “Making a Video Game” (8GIF185 The page is in French).


I was in charge of the snake body, the menus (main menu, credits menu, pause & game over menu) and the score system. I also added the sound effects made using sfxr.

It was my first game where I collaborated with artists, it was a great experience to work with them. Even though the game is simple, it was a good opportunity to learn how to work with a team composed of different roles. I learned a lot about communication and how to work with artists.



  • Main menu
  • Credits menu
  • Pause menu
  • Game over menu

Score system:

  • The score is displayed on the screen during the game
  • The score is saved and displayed on the game over screen
  • There is a leaderboard
  • The scores are saved when the game is closed
  • You can reset the scores


  • The player can move the chicken using the arrow keys, WASD / ZSQD or a controller
  • The player can pause the game using the P or the ESC key

The game

The whole game is in French due to the course requirements.
The game is not available for download, but you can watch the gameplay below.


Main menu Poule Poeufs: Play | Score | Credits | Quit


Pause Pause: Continue | Quit

Game over Game over: You collected X chicks! | Quit

Leaderboard Score - Reset
